Thursday, January 27, 2011

Carrying the Banner

Is there anything better than a bunch of good-looking guys dancing and singing through the streets of New York City? Hang on, let me ask my Magic 8 Ball. Yep, just as I suspected: "Concentrate and ask again."

Wait, what? Oh yeah, my Magic 8 Ball actually dehydrated and I had to throw it out. Sad day. So, let me answer for it. Is there anything better? My sources say no.

Newsies came out in 1992. I remember this vividly, as I was a twelve year old girl, and things like cute singing and dancing boys stick with you when you're twelve. My sister and I must have seen this movie at least a dozen times in the theater (hooray for the dollar movie!), and to this day we still quote it at appropriate times. (Which is more often than you might think.)

The film is purportedly based on a true story, set during the Hearst/Pulitzer era around the turn of the (last) century, and dealing with issues of child labor. I'm not sure how much of it is really true. My guess is most of it, because everybody knows that's what they do in New York: spontaneously dance and sing in perfect harmony all over the city.

But whatever factual issues there may be (and really, I have no idea what they are, I have never researched it), this movie is fun. Great songs, cute boys, and Christian Bale waaay before he was Batman. And cute boys. Did I mention the cute boys? There are cute boys. (Yes, I'm still twelve years old.) Check it out. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. And plus, it's a winner! It says so, right on the cover!

(P.S. Make sure you watch the credits all the way through until the backdrop unfreezes. You can thank me later.)


Miss Megan said...

Hi Kiersten! Just thought you might want to know that I'm reading your blog, so I'm glad that you started writing again and advertised on Facebook. Your writing sounds just like you, which means it's pure awesome. I adore you! Thanks for the reminder that I need to buy the Newsies soundtrack. I've been meaning to, but somehow it falls out of my head before I can actually get to it... thankfully, I own the movie. I hope I never grow older than 12 in my love for this show!

Jess said...

I need to dig this movie out. I watched it dozens of times in 1993 alone. :)

Unknown said...

Les, what is that.

We totally need to watch this again after we finish firefly! It's been years!!

PS my word verification word was coogar. I thought it was funny.

Jennifer said...

I quote this movie so much too! I even do the Santa Fe dance pretty good too. You know his little solo part? {wink}

You know what I haven't heard you sing for awhile? You have to sing it to me at the next family party. "The love is gone...the love is gone.." tee hee!! Good times at grandpa's.

Scott Walsh said...

Oh, it was real. The internet says so.
P.S. Nice pick. Takes me way back. I wooed many young girls with my heartfelt renditions of "Santa Fe."