Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Woe, Woe Unto the Blog

Yes, I have been neglecting this blog. Neglecting it like it's a red-headed stepchild. Neglecting it like the limp, greyish-green broccoli on the side of my plate. Neglecting it like my homework.

And I gotta be honest, I'm probably not going to un-neglect it any time soon. I'm very sorry.

But here's the good news (?): I'm not going to delete it. I thought about it---thought about it long and hard (and then realized that thinking about it constituted a breach of my neglectful behavior and promptly stopped)---but I've decided to let it hang out cyberspace for a bit longer. Hopefully, one day I'll get back to it. In fact, I promise to do so one day. Just not one day soon. I'd say that some time after June 7 is a good bet.

So, you know, keep checking. Because eventually I'll resume my snarkastic reviewing ways and tell you what you should like and dislike. Until then, I must stop neglecting those other things. Except the broccoli. That's just nasty.