Long ago, I wrote a post about one of the best television shows ever, Firefly. You may or may not have gone out and bought it (you should have). And then you may or may not have seen the feature film, Serenity (you should have). And then, to curb your desire for more, you may or may not have read the comic series, hoping for more answers to some of the questions that never got answered (you should have if you're as nerdy as me, but otherwise I'll let this one slide).
But after doing all these things, you were still left with questions, right? Questions like what the heck is in that syringe of Inara's, anyway? What was on the Shepherd's identity card? How many flavors of protein can there really be? What are the rules to that crazy space basketball game? And were there monkeys? Some terrifying space monkeys maybe got loose?Well, Dark Horse Comics' newest installment, Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale, won't answer all of those questions, but---actually, it won't answer any of those questions. But it will give you the background of one of the series' most intriguing and mysterious characters, Shepherd Book.
You can read the whole thing in about ten minutes, and once you do, I suggest you read it again, backwards, because it's written in little chunks that take you backward in time bit by bit, until you find yourself face to face with little pre-pubescent Book. (Aww, isn't he cute?) Some of the story is familiar. Some of it is weird. Some of it is sad. And some of it might make you go, "Wait, what??" But in the end, you'll know more about Shepherd Book than you did before. That's a guarantee.
Whether you'll be satisfied with what you learn or not is not for me to say. When I received this little gem on Christmas day, I read it, then my sister, then my mom, and then my dad. We all had different reactions to it, some of us liking it, some of us not so much. But now we know...at least some of it!
So if you're curious (and what nerd isn't?), I recommend you pick this up for your own nerdy collection. Now let's hope they make one about Inara, because I really do want to know about that syringe! After I learn about protein, of course.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Major nerd alert!
Posted by Kiersten at 2:26 PM 0 comments
Labels: books, movies, television
Monday, December 27, 2010
Aaaand we're back.
So it's been 21 months. So sue me.
(Please don't sue me.)
Without further ado, let's hop right on in. Today, I finally saw Inception. I know, it's about time, right? Pretty sure I'm the last person in the whole entire universe to see this movie. So all of you who have fallen victim to my endlessly annoying shrieks of "Don't talk about that! Don't say anything! I haven't seen it yet!!!" can rest easy. You can talk about it now. You can say things. I've seen it.
However, I blame you all for my general underwhelmed-ness. This is not to say I didn't like it (all of you who think I didn't like The Sixth Sense because I figured it out right away, I'm looking at you). I did like it. But it was over-hyped for me. The way you all talk about it, it's like this movie is completely revolutionary. It will do for entertainment what sliced bread did for sandwiches, what microwaves did for popcorn, what an inflatable David Hasselhoff did for my video collection (don't ask). And yeah, it was pretty good. But it wasn't that good.
It's not like the ideas being explored here are new. Anyone seen What Dreams May Come or The Cell? Both creepy. Both not about what Inception is about. But both exploring similar themes and ideas. This isn't new territory for Hollywood.
Inception is well made, and for the first time in, well, ever, I can say that I didn't hate Leonardo DiCaprio. (See that? I even wrote his name correctly! For those of you who know me well, that alone is proof!) And it is interesting, and it does raise some interesting questions. But it didn't blow my mind. I don't feel the need to see it again and again for endless analysis. Frankly, I don't think there's that much to analyze. It was a fun popcorn movie for an afternoon. And anyone who's seen my video collection knows that I love my popcorn movies. I'm just sayin', y'all oversold it. So knock it off, in case there's someone else out there who still hasn't seen it. They'll like it more without knowing what you think.
Posted by Kiersten at 9:29 PM 2 comments
Labels: movies